Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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Tillys article the roots of durable inequality starts our discussing food and poverty and the way at affected the work force in 1800’s. The people who were lower class were often well on average shorter than the wealthy did grow taller as they came into adult hood or involved with different careers. A lot of the reason for this is because of the nutrition a lot of families were growing their own food because production was exported and they could do it faster themselves. Three to ten percent of the work force did not have enough food to have enough energy and power to be able to work an entire day. Up to 20 percent of the people at this time in all areas were beggars that is an outrageous amount. With the amount of poverty at that time the people who were not beggars barley had enough to feed their family let alone help out others.

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The height of an average adult in western countries has risen six inches over the last century. They say hat height comes form genes and also nutrition as a child. But he also indicates something about male and females living together and what I got from it he was saying that the female eats less food their for they stay smaller than the male. He says this is genetically so that females are just prone to eat less this is why this fact stays the same thought all cultures and societies. He talks about how starting at childhood we teach our children their gender roles even giving boys more food than we would give a girl. Well are the boy hungrier than the girl? Or is this just the way we train or children to be.
He tells us how in western countries they some times take food away from citizens to give to the military. Well with out citizens they would not have military. The idea being that they want the men to be strong and well nourished so they can fight the best for their countries. The will always need to recruit new members to the military so if the people are not getting as much food the people they recruit are not going to be strong when they go in and it will take a while to get them healthy and strong to be able to go out and perform the difficult tasks that the military actually has to and they can not be malnutritioned doing it.

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