Wednesday, November 18, 2009


In the article, it discusses how in developing economies men nor women are expected to live until 45 years old. That was a very interesting fact to learn, only because 45 to me is still very young, and it is crazy to see that in the world today, there are still countries that have such hardships, they cannot provide to their people the way we take for granted. The economies in third world countries are nothing like we have, and we still always cry about our economic hardships, because we have seen better, but what if we never had anything like many countires in the world currently have? Would we still cry about not getting enough money on wall street, and not being able to take fancy vacations, or having our houses cleaned for us? How is it they can survive, and we sit around and cry about all of our problems? I never really thought about how greedy and ridiculous we were being until now.

We also have so many economic policies like free markets that we can’t get away from. We have crazy high interest rates, we have trade laws, so is this economy really running our lives on the flip side? Everything we do revolves around money and the economy, and is it ever going to change, or we going to continue to live our day to day lives around what the money of the economy is worth. So many people live off of $1-$2 a day in this world, and is that honestly possible, and still able to maintain health and live a happy life? I know that chances are, just because I am in the country I am in, it would very hard for me to do. So it’s very hard for me to grasp the concept of someone living this lifestyle, and having a life up to par.

1 comment:

  1. 45 years of age seems young to us but to people in countries with developing economies 45 years of age may be the norm. People in those countries don't need to make as much money because they do not live the same lifestyle as people in America who have a phone bill, car and house payments, insurance, etc. People in our society feel they live a glamorous life compared to third world countries because of what we have and what we can do. Is the cost of a glamorous lifestyle worth all the unhappiness, problems, and stress that Americans bring on themselves in everyday life? We look down on people in third world countries or feel that they envy us for what we have. However, we fail to see what they have and what we do not have, a simple and less complex life where they are grateful and content with what they have. We should not feel sorry for them but at the same time not ignore that they need help with basic essentials, such as, food and shelter.

    Economic policies are in place for our protection, and yes, having to pay extra money for fees, etc is unfavorable but necessary for regulation and balance. It is unfortunate that our lifestyle is based around money and our economy but that is the life we live. People in our society are often driven by money. We are a "Darwinistic" type society where it is survival of the fittest. We are always trying to do more and achieve more than the next person. Money just happens to be one of those things that determines ones status, so it is no wonder that our focus on money and economy is so high.


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