Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The American Jobs Machine: Is the new economy creating good jobs?

The title asks the question pertaining to the state of the nations attempt at creating good jobs. The article also discusses the base fundamentals on which the so called “American” way of creating more work. Which is completely purposeless, it’s capitalism at its best. In a sense it’s what Wal-Mart does, just on a much larger scale. The American way of employment growth is by “flexible labor markets, which allows employers to hire and fire relatively easily, reorganize employment structure in response to market conditions, and adjust wages as needed, especially in a downward direction.

If the goals of America are to improve the economy and at the same time create better jobs then we as Americans must go about it by different means. The goal is to ride the capitalism train till things turn around. This will eventually probably work, but as far as now is concerned it will continue to send this nations economy in a downward spiral. It’s already hard enough for individuals to get a steady job, and once they finally get one then they can be fired on a moments notice for almost anything The goal of capitalism is to make profit off of other individuals , and the name of the game is to do that at the cheapest price available. Therefore, take Wal-mart for example, they are known for having the cheapest prices from electronics to milk.. There whole philosophy is to get there lower level workers to do more for less. For example, there have been stories about workers getting shorted up to five to six hours pay and if they complain there fired. There able to do this by instilling fear within the work force. A person has a decent job and is afraid to lose it, therefore, they accept the mistreatment in order to continue to support themselves and or their families..
Now let’s factor in race and gender with regards to the economy situation. Minorities in general already have this stigma that the so called “man” is out to get them at any cost. For the fact that minorities represent a large number of the nations poverty. The problem of poverty in America continues to concern the working poor for the fact that they are working, but there working full-time in those types of jobs that pay below the poverty-line. The fact that they aren’t creating many lower- level types of jobs limits there opportunities to improve there job status as well as social status. So it’s already hard enough for Caucasian men to get a descent mid to upper level jobs. Then on top of that, when you factor in that minorities aren’t even in competition with the Caucasians. In fact it’s the white women who have begun to make strides in the economy. They have closed the gap in pay sensationally within the past decade.
So it is my belief that we are moving in the opposite direction of creating new jobs. In order to sucessfuly create new jobs we have to be willing to come half way. By coming half –way, one has to be willing to compromise. A comprise involves two or more parties each giving up something in order to come to an agreement. By that the people with the means of production would have to be willing to give up there get money by any means necessary mentality.So it is my belief that we are moving in the opposite direction of creating new jobs. In order to successfully create new jobs we have to be willing to come half way. By coming half –way, one has to be willing to compromise. A comprise involves two or more parties each giving up something in order to come to an agreement. By that the people with the means of production would have to be willing to give up there get money by any means necessary mentality. The whole capitalism theory is somewhat of a winner takes all system in which always shits on the “poor” guy. It’s pointless to create jobs in which hasn’t any job stability or anything of that nature. If a person with the means of production can hire and fire at will in order to get the most amount of work done at the lowest possible price without consequences then they are going to continue to exploit the system.

1 comment:

  1. At first I had no idea where Bloden was going with this, but a nice job was done towards the end to wrap everything up. I agree with Bloden in order to create jobs in the lower end a compromise is in need. The people with the means of production do have a certain amount of people “by the balls” so to speak. Bolden made it seems that this compromise applies to all jobs, I do not agree with that. The statistics did show growth in the upper tier of Job quality, though mostly white males and females got those jobs. The author even states “the evidence does not support a simple summary judgment that crummy jobs dominate the job expansion.
    I would also like to note, I do not believe every job out there is a “career choice.” I feel as if those shit ass jobs are almost needed it is like their niche in society. Hypothetically if every job paid the same, what incentive would anyone have to excel in life? If I had the choice of either going to college for 12 years to become a doctor or work at Burger King without going to college and still make the same, I would choose Burger King.
    As well not every business owner is loaded rich, if I owned a small sub shop, I most likely would not make enough to give each of my employees a 40,000 a year salary. I would want to employ mostly minimum wage workers (teenagers) and maybe a manager (young adult) who could make living out of it. I remember my first job as a paper route boy, I did not make shit and I should not have, a monkey could do my job.
    So what I am getting at is Yes changes do need to be made, for example CEOs do not need to get paid millions of dollars. That money could be invested into the company and distributed among the employees. But No not every business out there needs to have their balls placed on a chopping block.


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